Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I realize that it isn't actually Mother's Day and I am a few days late, but considering my history with blogging, consistency hasn't always been my strong point anyways.

This year is Mother's Day #2 without my mom, and though it isn't easy seeing all the Facebook status's and pictures reminding me that most friends and families are spending the day with their moms, I am thankful for the memories I have to remember her by on this particular day.

I have had many people ask me what my favorite memory of my mom is.  Not that I don't have a million great memories of my mom, but to pick just one out of 21 years is a bit challenging.  I recently came to a realization about the relationship my mom and I had that I really cherish.

I was fortunate to have grown up with a mom who was able to stay at home and be with us kids. And while I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it, she home schooled my sister and I until the fourth grade, when I, pink wind suit and stretch pants, entered public school.  Needless to say, my mom has always been that quiet comfort at home, the person I could always count on to be there when I needed her.  I certainly gave her a run for her money during high school--and yet she loved me with no end, despite the sleepless nights waiting for me to come home or nagging me to do my homework.  And even still, I cherish the stupid fights we had about not cleaning my room or picking on my sister.  Isn't that what moms with teenagers are for??

When I went to college our relationship changed dramatically.  She was the person I called between classes, received encouraging emails with bible verses from, and talked about nothing with.  I am so thankful for these sweet memories, and while I can't give you a specific memory that tops all others, I can tell you that I had the worlds' best mom.  And while I may be a little bias, I think that most people who knew her would agree.

 Most importantly, her and my dad gave me the greatest gift of all by raising me in a home where God came first.  Without their guidance and example of living a life for Christ (along with 18 years of forcing me to go to church regardless of whether or not I wanted to:) I would probably not be where I am today. My hope is that one day, my own children will look at me on Mothers Day the way I remember mine.

Love and miss you, Happy Mother's Day. XO ~S


Justine said...

(I had no idea you had a blog!!! This will be my new favorite past time at work :))
I am sure Mother's Day will always be filled with mixed emotions, but I'm glad you are seeing the beauty in this day; that she was picked Perfectly to be you and your sibilings mom. It's clear she was an eternal seeker, for you guys, and there is not a better example than that.

The Klaus Family said...

This is so sweet, Stephanie! ...I'm sobbing now! :)