Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Beginnings-Small Moments

As the sun shines through my bedroom window I can't help but think of the summer days to come.  So many wonderful things to look forward to- road trips, weddings, camping trips, summer softball leagues, swimming and boating, fresh sun-made tea, late night ice cream trips...ah the list goes on and on.
It seems so easy to appreciate all of these little and simple activities, yet why do I wait until the summer months to take the time to enjoy them?? Granted swimming and ice cream is no where near as enjoyable in the middle of February but still I think it is so important to look for these small moments, small beginnings in our everyday life. Even within the Bible it tells us to enjoy the small things (Zech. 4:10 "Who despises the day of small things?").  

I have no idea what to expect this summer.  I know that big decisions will need to be made as I move on from my college experience and into this new season of my life.  I have no idea where God is going to lead me, or how He is going to do it, but I trust that wherever and whatever it may be, it will be more than I could ever dream for myself.  Still, I find myself constantly worrying about my future.

Here is a excerpt from a devotional by Joyce Meyer I have been going through that touches on this particular matter.  Enjoy!
I encourage you to let everything in life be preparation for the things you have in your future.  Don't despise the days of small beginnings.  Those small beginnings are usually all we can handle at the time.  God will give you more when He knows we are ready.  Enjoy every step of your journey.  Don't be in such a hurry to rush through things that you miss the lessons you can draw from each day.  
To be prepared for whatever God's calling is for you, you don't have to worry about the part you don't know  how to do, just do the part you know.  Your faith-filled actions are seeds you sow.  Sow your seed in faith and God will bring a harvest at just the right time.  
 The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer

As you look forward to the warm summer memories to come, remember to look for the small moments and lessons God gives us each day.  The harvest is ahead, which He will bring at just the right time.  Until then, trust in Him and enjoy the ice cream.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Official Bucket List

Over the years I have kept a mental list of all of the things that I would like to do with some of the time I have here on earth :)  However, many of these ideas come and go and I forget the very things that I plan on ever doing.  So in effort to keep track of them, I plan to keep an ongoing list so that I may literally check them off as I go.  I may, and very likely will, add to or change the things on my list.

So let me begin.
*These are not listed in order of importance, but instead simply in order they come to memory.

1.  Travel to our family vineyard in Slovenia
2.  Participate in a half marathon
3.  Spend a summer abroad in Europe
4.  Take a cooking class in Italy
5.  Get married
6.  Learn to surf
7.  Volunteer in an orphanage
8.  Take up tennis
9.  Scuba or snorkel the Great Barrier Reef
10. Return to my Irish roots and kiss the Blarney Stone upside-down
11. Have kids
12. Learn to sail!!
13. Travel to Israel and literally follow in Jesus' footsteps/Swim in the Dead Sea
14. Go on a safari
15. Take an Alaskan cruise
16. See a New York Ballet Company performance
18. Open up my own children's book store
19. Organize a fundraiser to support and raise awareness of the SMAD4 Gene Disorder
20. Write a book/get my writing published
22. Ride in a hot air balloon
23. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
24. Fund raise enough money to build a home for Houses for Health in Tanzania

While making this, I came up with another list.  A list of amazing things I have had the opportunity to do already.  I am so blessed to have had these experiences and am so thankful for such wonderful memories.

1.  Parasailing/Paddle Boarding/Snorkeling in the Virgin Islands
2.  Skiing in the mountains of Montana
3.  Work with a church in Mexico and run day camps with children in the inner city slums
4.  Spent a summer in North Myrtle Beach with Campus Crusade for Christ
5.  Graduated college
6.  Spent a weekend in Vegas
7.  Flew a helicopter into the Grand Canyon for lunch and champagne :)
8.  Swam with Dolphins
9.  Rode the Tower of Terror
10. Met Kenny Chesney
11. Saw the inside of a volcano in St. Lucia
12. Jet skiing in the Atlantic Ocean
13. Took a train from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania
14. Drove a convertible through a tour of Gettysburg
15. Rode in a Ferrari (0-60 in 3 seconds =)
16. Visited Valley Forge and saw the Liberty Bell
17. Saw Cirque de Soleil in Vegas
18. Went deep sea fishing in the Caribbean
19. Spent 7 days (including my golden birthday) on the Eluethera Island in the Bahamas with 10 of my closest friends as part of our Biology class in high school.  Spent 6 hours a day snorkeling and diving.
20. Created a scholarship in honor of my mom
21. Travel to our family vineyard in Slovenia

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I realize that it isn't actually Mother's Day and I am a few days late, but considering my history with blogging, consistency hasn't always been my strong point anyways.

This year is Mother's Day #2 without my mom, and though it isn't easy seeing all the Facebook status's and pictures reminding me that most friends and families are spending the day with their moms, I am thankful for the memories I have to remember her by on this particular day.

I have had many people ask me what my favorite memory of my mom is.  Not that I don't have a million great memories of my mom, but to pick just one out of 21 years is a bit challenging.  I recently came to a realization about the relationship my mom and I had that I really cherish.

I was fortunate to have grown up with a mom who was able to stay at home and be with us kids. And while I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it, she home schooled my sister and I until the fourth grade, when I, pink wind suit and stretch pants, entered public school.  Needless to say, my mom has always been that quiet comfort at home, the person I could always count on to be there when I needed her.  I certainly gave her a run for her money during high school--and yet she loved me with no end, despite the sleepless nights waiting for me to come home or nagging me to do my homework.  And even still, I cherish the stupid fights we had about not cleaning my room or picking on my sister.  Isn't that what moms with teenagers are for??

When I went to college our relationship changed dramatically.  She was the person I called between classes, received encouraging emails with bible verses from, and talked about nothing with.  I am so thankful for these sweet memories, and while I can't give you a specific memory that tops all others, I can tell you that I had the worlds' best mom.  And while I may be a little bias, I think that most people who knew her would agree.

 Most importantly, her and my dad gave me the greatest gift of all by raising me in a home where God came first.  Without their guidance and example of living a life for Christ (along with 18 years of forcing me to go to church regardless of whether or not I wanted to:) I would probably not be where I am today. My hope is that one day, my own children will look at me on Mothers Day the way I remember mine.

Love and miss you, Happy Mother's Day. XO ~S