Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Memoir

Mother's Day always manages to sneak up on me year after year.  What was once a fun day full of flowers,  and cards, and breakfasts in bed has become instead a bittersweet reminder of all that I have lost. But I am beyond blessed to have spent 21 years with seriously the most amazing woman ever.  And I'm not even exaggerating.  Ask anyone who knew her and they would agree :) That lady loved God with every fiber of her being, a love that was constant, never faltered, despite the many hardships life threw at her.  She saw each as an opportunity to be refined, to grow closer with her Heavenly Father, and to renew her faith.  And now her faith has become her sight, while leaving behind a legacy worth sharing.  

Here are some of the things I remember most about her.  Things she taught me and I will never forget.

1. Love Jesus with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of mind, and with all of your strength.
2. It's better to have little and love much.
3. Cooking is overrated ;)
4. Be yourself, you are special just the way God made you.
5. Don't date boys, just be good friends (I think she might retract this had she known I'd still be single 20 years later;)
6. Always say please and thank you.
7. Put others first. Always.
8. Take your time and enjoy each season of life.  Don't rush through it, cherish the little things.
9. Let your beauty shine from within.
10. Smile even if you don't feel like it.
11. Encourage others. Serve others. And treat them the way you want to be treated.
12. No matter what life brings, trust in God and believe He has a beautiful plan for you.
13. Forgive others. Say your sorry.
14. If at first you fail, try again. If it's broken, tell your dad.
15. Love with a gentle spirit. Show kindness, grace, humility, and thankfulness.

Happy Mother's Day, xoxo.

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