I can't believe the New Year is in full swing and we are halfway through February already. I'll admit I've already begun to plan out my spring cleaning. I know, I know, who makes plans to clean...but there isn't much I love more about spring than spring cleaning. Well except maybe Shamrock Shakes. And spring break, which, let's get serious, is yet another reason I went back to school. A girlfriends gotta get some beach time ;) Anyways, in my last post I shared my 2013 resolutions and word of the year, and promised to keep you updated on my progress...and since I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats, anxiously waiting to hear how its going, here it is.
Other than the fact that I completely forgot what my Word of the Year was, I think it's going fairly well.
It's true. In less than a month, I had totally forgotten what word I picked to spend a whole year implementing more into my life. Ironically (or not ironically, I'm never sure if I use that word correctly...) my word is mindfulness. Apparently, I still have a lot of work to do.
However in my defense, with the new year came a whole lot more responsibility. I started a new internship, picked up two more classes, and still hold two part time jobs. Between school and work, I don't have time to be mindful. I barely have time for the Bachelor, Friday Night Lights, or Mod Fam.
Ok it's not that bad (its really only Sean and FNL), but I still think that amidst the hours of studying, nannying, and selling the world of J.Crew, I am misusing some of my time. Which is actually the main point of this post. I know, who knew where this was actually going...but here we are, finally. I think.
Part of coming up with new resolutions was the realization of my need to prioritize the important things in my life. I realized I needed to be more mindful of the way I was using my time, especially as I continued to commit to more and more things. So where did I get off track? How have I managed to lose sight of these resolutions so quickly? Well other than the proven fact that most people abandon their resolutions by Valentine's Day, I also attribute my fault to the simple fact that I am a weak human being. Try as we may, we can't and won't ever be perfect. And amidst by efforts to prioritize, I have discovered a greater truth.
I was journaling today and like so many other times before, found myself writing out a prayer to my sweet Father. I was expressing feelings of frustration in my inability to make time with Him a priority because of all of the other things going on in my life. And that's when it hit me. He is the One who provided all of these "things", these amazing opportunities. It was like I was telling him, Sorry God, I just don't have time for You right now because I have so many other important things going on, yet He is the One who gave them all to me. I found myself laughing at how ridiculous it was. I was using the very blessings He gave me, as an excuse for my lack of time spent with Him. Duh! God doesn't want to be top priority. He wants to be the priority. Instead of trying with our own human strength to balance everything important in our life, we need to let go and let Him rule over all. I'm not saying that we don't need to take responsibility over our commitments, just that we can't let the busyness of our blessings consume us and make us forget who gave them to us in the first place.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Ephesians 1: 3(NKJV)
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