In a room full of family--of aunts and uncles, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters--we each stop to take a moment and bow our heads in prayer. We stand hand in hand, in the warmth of our home, thanking God for the many blessings He has given to us. Other than the sound of my cousins strong voice, all is quiet.
Moments before, the house is in a rather chaotic state...the kitchen is busy with turkey basting, potato mashing, and pie perfecting. The kids can be found outside playing a game of football, while the dads relax in the living room catching up on the latest ESPN highlights.
I look forward to such treasured time with family. While each year brings different hardships and struggles, we always seem to find strength from each other, bringing laughter and comfort to each holiday spent together. I am so thankful and abundantly blessed with such an amazing family, and so many other wonderful things...Tonight I am especially thankful for,
1. Jesus and the freedom I have in Him.
2. My family. For a Dad who has shown me how to love and live a life centered on God. Who tries his hardest to be a Dad and a Mom, and puts up with the overly emotional and often irrational personalities of his eldest daughter. For my sister and brother--they are both such strong, kind, and loving people full of strength and bravery.
3. My mom. I could not be more thankful for a mom who has taught me everything it takes to be a woman after Gods own heart. She was such a true example of kindness, gentleness, peace, patience. And the faith that is now her sight, is a faith I will continue to hold onto until I see her again. Every day without her, is one day closer to being with her again...
4. My friends and family. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who have loved me, carried me, and simply done life with me:) You know who you are...and I thank you.
5. My freedom. To those who are serving our country tonight, I thank you and pray God's protection upon you. To those who have lost their lives fighting for my freedom, I remember you and pray for your families.
My list could go on forever, but I can hear the laughter erupting from downstairs, what I can only assume to be a crazy game of Balderdash. Plus I'm pretty sure I have a slice (or 2) of pumpkin pie with my name on them. Remember, there is so much to be thankful for. Today and everyday. Happy Thanksgiving!!
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