Thursday, June 9, 2011

Never too old for Play-dough

I have officially started my job for the summer as a full time nanny for two very adorable little girls.  I am loving it so far and am looking forward to the few months ahead.  I have been trying to come up with some fun activities to do with the girls, so today we made homemade play-dough.  Normally I am somewhat of a neat freak and like to have order in the kitchen.  However, that doesn't always work out when you are working with flour, food coloring, and a 3 year old.  So instead of trying to completely control the outcome of our little experiment, I set up my camera and decided to just embrace the moment. =)

And really, other than my perma-stained hand from the food coloring, the kitchen looked spotless after we were finished.  I was happy.

Ella, my little helper, all ready to mix our concoction. 

Okay so maybe I took control for a little bit....

She called this "Shrek gum"???  =)

Little Aubrey watching her big sister

Trying to convince me to let her taste it....
Never too late for Christmas cut-outs

A fun end to the perfect day=)


Justine said...

Oh that sure looks like fun! Next time you will have to make home made pizza. Kids always love that.

Anonymous said...

o you are making me sad...miss my kiddos! we should babysit together soon! u guys r sooo cute! love u