Friday, March 18, 2011

Back Home

I couldn't be more excited to get out of the frozen tundra that is Wisconsin and spend a few weeks in St. John, VI.  But before I can do that, I had to make a little pit stop in Eagle River. I haven't been home in months, but considering the population size of about 1500 people not much changes in that amount of time.  However, to my great surprise, as I drove through town I noticed a new little coffee shop in our "mall".  So  here I sit in the Mocha Moose (gotta love the north woods) enjoying my morning latte--and watching the clock because nothing in this town stays open later than 4 pm.  But already I have been reminded why I love this tiny little town so much.  Already this morning, I have run into old friends, been welcomed by name at the Post Office and grocery store, been smiled and waved at by complete strangers, and had the most genuine conversation with the sweetest old man reading his morning newspaper.  Life is so much simpler here, and while it may not be the most ideal for an aspiring new graduate, it's the best place in the world to call home.
The BEST latte in town=)
Our beautiful lake=)

1 comment:

Harlene said...

Hi Stefka:) This could be printed in a brochure! So warm and welcoming :)Home is always special and you described it so well!Grandpa and I enjoyed reading your post. So inviting!
When we get up there for a visit, we will defiantly stop at the new coffee cafe. Your a Dear! Sending a hug. Say hello to family! Enjoy:)
Lots of sunshine to you!!! Love G-ma Harlene