I'm just wondering if this chaos is normal? This overwhelming feeling of need to be purposeful? When you are growing up its all so simple. You live life for yourself...playing outside, riding your bike, playing in the sprinkler, eating popsicles...time seemed endless. The day ended with the setting sun, but began again with it's rise. One day after the other...timeless. Now it seems that time is everything. I have found that often if my day doesn't consist of completing my "to-do" checklist I feel useless, depressed even. It's like I'm not living my life to the fullest. My days are no longer filled with sprinklers and popsicles, but work and a lot of loneliness. I was so excited for this new adventure...spreading my wings wide and taking this life head on. College has been that and I don't regret the things I have experienced thus far. But I feel that I have reached this "blah" time in my life and I don't like it. And no matter what I do during my day to make it seem more worthwhile, nothing seems to make it better..I still feel incomplete. Ha...thats something I hope to hear from someone I am sharing the gospel with. And then I would tell them that only God can fill that void. Which is so true! I try and fill my day with working out, cleaning the house, making myself better...but only God can do that! No matter how many hours I spend trying to better myself, without His help I will never be satisfied! Only He can satisfy!
So then what? Prayer. His Word. Listen. To. Him.
Father, help me to hear your voice. Give me purpose! Your will. Be done. in me!
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