Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tough decisions

They say that you make somewhat over 50,000 decisions a day...that's crazy!! But I wonder how many of those you do without even thinking twice, subconsciously.  It seems that more and more often I have to make more important, life-altering decisions.  The more I think about it the more I realize that these important decisions could effect the path of near future.  Lately these decisions for me have been related to following a life more pleasing to God.  This past December I went to a TCX conference in Minneapolis with Campus Crusade for Christ.  and one thing that I decided there was that I wanted to figure out who I was; who Stephanie Zillmer is!  It's like two different worlds I live in: the one at home, and the one at school.  At home, I sometimes slump back into the way I use to live before I left for school.  When I first started college my faith in God increased dramatically and my dependence on him was huge.  I surrounded myself with others who I knew would help me become a better Christian.  I love my new friends and I often find myself being built up by them.  Of course we are all still tempted, but together we can make the right decisions! However, when I come home I get back into this comfort zone where it doesnt seem as important to live completely for God.  I stop reading my Bible, my prayer life decreases dramatically, and I rarely have discussions centered around God.  So which person am I?  That is what I'm trying to figure out.  I want to pick the positives from both "worlds" and combine them into one person.  

I have a lot of reflecting to do.

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